Inside our headquarter in Turin, AMT has opened the Training & Formation Center.
The idea standing behind this structure is to reach the highest level of quality in every fields of our work. The only way to do that, it is keeping to learn and upgrade our skills. Anyway, The TFC is not just a place where improve our techniques, but it is a real “brainstorming area” where we compare our ideas in order to find out new solutions and services.
AMT’s training offer is intended to:
Persons who would like to start a new career
Our company offers a training course to all those persons who would like to start a new career. The duration is about 2 years. Theory and practice will be alternate, in order to better transfer our know-how. At the moment, our policy is to accept no more than 10 students per year. Quality remains our main target, and for this reason we prefer to concentrate on few candidates. The selection to join our team is really serious and hard and it includes a primary interview and some tests. The offer is intended to everybody: Motivation and dedication are more important than a background.
No fees are request for the course.
Every technician who decides to join our team and that comes from a previous experience in this field have to pass a quality exam before starting to work with us. All of them, together with other technicians that would like to learn new techniques and improve their skills must be available to follow some upgrading courses during the year. Moreover, during the winter season, we organize further trainings to stimulate the professional growth of all the people that work with us.
Our partners
In collaboration with our customers, we are developing some new training programs to their employees. We would like to create a strong relationship with our clients in order to become real partners and not just suppliers, and for this reason, we train their employees in order they could manage and solve by themself cases of minor damages, saving money and time. In special case, we are also able to come and offer this service directly in your facilities.
If you are interested, contact us.